Clips By Sexy Fantasies - SITERIP

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A boyfriend and girlfriend are about to head out when he suddenly catches a glimpse of her hot ass as he bends over to get his shoes. He responds by rubbing his cock and when she sees this see proclaims they are going to be late, but can see he his horny and knows she has to do something about it. She takes his shorts off exposing his cock and starts to give him a handjob. Then she says she has an idea and takes her white cotton panties off to finish the job. While she is jerking his cock she talks about her cotton panties and continues the jerking and dirty talk until he exposed all over her and her clothes. Once he is finished she walks off to change her shirt, which is now covered in cum.A hot blonde MILF wearing nothing but a robe is in her room and calls her son in. She tells him she is sick of his attitude since he came home from college on a visit. She plans to punish him, but since she can no longer ground him she has had to think outside the box and has done so in a very taboo way.
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